1.褐鐵礦 2.鉛鋅礦 3.鋁土礦 4.釩礦 5.鈦鐵礦 6.白鎢礦 7.含銅黃鐵礦 8.錫石 9.磁鐵礦 10.赤鐵礦 11.石墨
12.石英 13.矽灰石 14.透輝石 15.蒙脫石 16.滑石 17.蛇紋石 18.高嶺石 19.沸石 20.正長石 21.斜長石 22.方解石
23.白雲石 24.重晶石 25.石膏 26.磷灰石 27.花崗岩 28.玄武岩 29.花崗閃長岩 30.安山岩 31.輝綠岩 32.正長岩
33.石灰岩 34.砂岩 35.葉岩 36.礫岩 37.角礫岩 38.大理岩 39.石英岩 40.淺粒岩 41.片岩 42.片麻岩
Packing in wooden. Including typical specimens of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphioc rocks.
Each specimen, more than 30mm x 20mm in size, comprising a total of 42 pieces per set.